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HomeThu - VHF/UHF - Weekly Traffic & Information Net

BARS - Weekly Information & Traffic Net

Thursday night at 8:00 PM

 The BARS Weekly Information and Traffic Net is held every Thursday night at 8:00 PM Central Time on the Bolingbrook Amateur Repeater Society (BARS) - K9BAR Repeater System:

              BARS - VHF 2meter REPEATER:

                            Frequency: 147.330, Offset: + 600 KHz, PL Tone: 107.2 

BARS - UHF 440 / 70 cm REPEATER:    

Frequency: 443.525,  Offset: + 5.0 MHz, PL Tone: 114.8 

You do not need to be a member of
BARS to check in to the weekly Information and Traffic Net. All Amateur Radio Operators are welcome and encouraged to participate in this net.

Due to the recent noise and interfierence on the K9BAR Repeaters, which will exist until we get our New Antennas in place and functional.  BARS has arranged as an Emergency Backup for our Weekly Net and SKYWARN Net, to use if needed the Naperville EMA Repeater System:

Emergency Backup Repeater for BARS:  

NE9MA - UHF 440 / 70 cm REPEATER:    

Frequency: 443.050,  Offset: + 5.0 MHz, PL Tone: 114.8 


Do you enjoy the BARS Nets?   

Have you ever considered becoming a NCO (Net Control Operator)?     

BARS is always looking to add members to our Net Committee.   Being a NCO takes only about 30 minutes once a month or every few weeks depending on your schedule.  It is a way to give back to BARS, and the community.  It's easy to do, we have Net Scripts you can read from and it's not only Fun - it's a way to get to know and remember the BARS Membership.  Besides, the more NCOs we have the better for everyone.  If you would like to join the Net Committee, and be a NCO, please contact Scott - KC9UTC, or any of the Net Committee members listed below.

 Net Committee Members

    Name    Callsign 
 Committee Chair   Scott Hagner   KC9UTC 
 Committee Members      Todd Fonfara     KC9UWV  

  Karen Fonfara      KC9UWU   

  Ralph Barzditis      KE9NT 

  Rob Sobkoviak   K9NYO
    Greg Morley   K9GLM
    Gary Smith
    Mike Blocker    KD9MDO


 If you have any questions - please contact:  Scott Hagner - KC9UTC  -or-