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2024 - Year

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BARS Zoom - Membership Mtg

This Month's After Meeting
 Show & Tell 


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BARS Hybrid Monthly Meetings ~
In-Person and Zoom 

Zoom - Membership Mtg

Other BARS 





The BARS SKYWARN Net Schedule changed effective Thursday, October 3, 2024
to our MONTHLY Schedule for the sever weather off season.

SKYWARN Net - MONTHLY Schedule - October thru February
The 1st Thursday of the month at ~8:30 PM,
or immediately following the BARS Weekly Information Net, on this K9BAR repeater.

SKYWARN Net - WEEKLY Schedule - March thru September
Every Thursday Night at ~8:30 PM
Our weekly schedule is for during the sever weather season.

SKYWARN Net Operations

Primary BARS SKYWARN Net operations are held on the K9BAR repeater system:

VHF 2-meters: 147.330 MHz, + 600 kHz offset, 107.2 Hz PL tone

UHF 70-centimeters: 443.525 MHz, +5 MHz offset, 114.8 Hz PL tone

These repeaters are cross-linked for transmit and receive operation.

Should it be necessary, access to an alternate repeater is provided by the Naperville EMA Amateur Radio Club, and can be reached at 443.050 MHz, +, 114.8 Hz PL tone.


You do not need to be a trained spotter to check into the BARS SKYWARN net. The Net Control Operator will broadcast check-in and check-out procedures.

Are you receiving BARS emails?

Additional Membership Email Information:
If you are an Active BARS Member (dues paid), and haven't received emails - Please -
- 1st: Check your email Spam and Junk folders for the email. 
- 2nd: C
ontact BARS Secretary: Rob Sobkoviak, K9NYO via email at:  or Email the - BARS Board at:  BARS Officers  and explain you are an active BARS member, but don't received the BARS Membership Emails from Club Express.

Please Note:
 If you don't receive the email - There might be an issue with your BARS Membership status, or an issue where you need to be added to the BARS Active Members email distribution list.  In either case, we need to investigate the situation.    

If you are currently NOT a BARS Member, but would like to be, or would like to receive our BARS emails - Please Contact Rob, K9NYO or the BARS Board members (above) to let us know that as well.

The BARS Board wants to offer the opportunity to the BARS Membership to see and hear one another (virtually face to face).  As a means to share our common experiences, list any needs we may have, and maybe even share some humor in what we are all enduring. 
Together -
Stay Connected.

- BARS Board 

The BARS Board would like to give a big Thank You to the NIARTT (Northern IL Amateur Radio Training & Testing) Team for letting BARS use the NIARTT Zoom Account.  Which was also used during 2019 in conjunction with the NIARTT Ham license training courses.   

Stay Safe - Stay Calm - & - Carry On! 

We can achieve anything together.

Catch you On-the-Air!


Please com join us...   

On the Nightly Anti-Viral Net on the BARS 2m/440 Repeater System. 
To be held Every Night at 7:30 pm (19:30Local Central / 0030 UTC Time.  

During this Coronavirus Pandemic - While we are all shut in - Doing our part to comply with Social Distancing and Shelter-in-Place guidelines, by keeping our loved ones and yourself Safe and At Home. - Take a moment to also check in with your Ham Friends. - To share our common concerns, and experiences, our knowledge, and to pass on health and welfare traffic, or to just share local news and views of any kind.  - but more importantly - To Stay Connected!

The Nightly Anti-Viral Net will rotate through Net Control Operators of those who volunteer to be NCOs.  The structure and organization of this Nightly Anti-Viral Net will vary and depend on the number of participants on any given night.  The A-V Net will run for about an hour, with the exceptions on if a regularly scheduled net is either in progress, or will start that night.  The Anti-Viral Net will continue Every Night for the duration of this COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Please pass along the word about this Nightly Anti-Viral Net to other hams, and other clubs, to be mentioned on their club nets, or posted on social media or club websites.  Feel free to post about the A-V Net on your own social media sites.  Share wherever and however you can, or see fit to do. 
We are communicators - let's communicate!

Please Contact:  Rob-K9NYO at if you are interested in helping host this Nightly Anti-Viral Net as a Net Control Operator. 

 – Nightly Anti-Viral Net – 

On the 
K9BAR Repeater Systems:  

–  2 meter:147.330 + Offset, PL Tone -107.2   and the    440/7c: 443.525 + Offset, PL Tone -114.8  
are linked on Transmit and Receive. 
(2-m) 147.330 ↔ 443.525 (440/7c)

The Anti-Viral Net will be held EVERY NIGHT at 7:30 PM
0) Local Central Time / 0030 UTC Time.

If you have questions - Or if you interested in helping host this net as a Net Control Operator - 
Please Contact: Rob-K9NYO at

The Nightly Anti-Viral Net was started on Monday, March 16, 2020 
- and will continue through the duration of this COVID-19 Pandemic.

Stay Safe - Stay Calm & Carry On! 

We all need to Stay Connected

A BIG Thank You to:  
Rob-K9NYO, Gary-AA9JS, Jaye-W9CY
- for the idea and implementation of this Nightly Anti-Viral Net on behalf of BARS. 
Also, Thanks to Greg-KD9LDD (for the naming of this net).

- The BARS Board

To Contact the BARS Board - Email us at:    BARS Board    or    BARS Officers

Need assistance — Contact individual BARS OFFICERS at emails:

President - BARS President   -   Vice President - BARS Vice President
Secretary - BARS Secretary    -    Treasurer - BARS Treasurer    


BARS Board Emails - 

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